Tell me about yourself: My name is Debbie but most people know me as Deb Crush or Crush. Born and raised in Syracuse NY. I live a drug and alcohol free life claiming straight edge on my 21st birthday. I was a competitive snowboarder from 14-24 when I took up roller derby and have been playing 12 yrs. I also have been playing rugby for 2 yrs. I am a mother of the most bad ass little girl “Rowdy” Piper Lynne. And engaged to the love of my life Angel.
What made you want to start a clothing line: I started my company RollerDerbyMerch as a way to make money so I could stay home and raise my daughter. My first announcement of my company was made to raise money for hurricane survivors in Texas that lost all their roller derby gear and were headed to play offs.
What keeps you driven: MY DAUGHTER!!! I had to work and make a living to provide for the both of us. Everyday I would look at her and just keep pushing my business forward!
Who or what do you look to for inspiration: I turn to my friends and look to them as inspiration! You have to build with them....not view them as competitors. There is enough money for everyone to make. So if we band together and help each other we can all grow and prosper.
What is the future for you and your brand: 2020 was supposed to be the biggest year of my career. I had landed the elite contract to print all the merch for Men’s Roller Derby World Cup. As well as Team USA and several other World Cup teams. The level of excitement was astronomical!!! When covid hit in March, my entire world shattered. Every tournament was cancelled, every team was put on pause. My business STOPPED over night. It was devastating. I have high hopes that when this disease clears I will push forward with as much passion and drive as I had before covid took it all away.
What made you want to start a clothing line: I started my company RollerDerbyMerch as a way to make money so I could stay home and raise my daughter. My first announcement of my company was made to raise money for hurricane survivors in Texas that lost all their roller derby gear and were headed to play offs.
What keeps you driven: MY DAUGHTER!!! I had to work and make a living to provide for the both of us. Everyday I would look at her and just keep pushing my business forward!
Who or what do you look to for inspiration: I turn to my friends and look to them as inspiration! You have to build with them....not view them as competitors. There is enough money for everyone to make. So if we band together and help each other we can all grow and prosper.
What is the future for you and your brand: 2020 was supposed to be the biggest year of my career. I had landed the elite contract to print all the merch for Men’s Roller Derby World Cup. As well as Team USA and several other World Cup teams. The level of excitement was astronomical!!! When covid hit in March, my entire world shattered. Every tournament was cancelled, every team was put on pause. My business STOPPED over night. It was devastating. I have high hopes that when this disease clears I will push forward with as much passion and drive as I had before covid took it all away.
Where can we find your brand and products:
Facebook: @rollerderbymerch
Instagram: @rollerderbymerch